Arman Mazloumzadeh (@armanexplorer)

+5YRS Backend Web Developer / Software Engineer using Django / Python

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armanexplorer ⚡

Educated and enthusiastic about Software Engineering and the challenges involved in its incredible evolutionary journey.

Berlin in MoneyHeist
image source: EastMojo

Top Skills 💣

The followings are the stacks I had the chance to penetrate deep into them. So, I've been using these tools and technologies to make the projects serve best to their end users. My professional life has been affected by Django & Python for +5 years, and fascinated by Cloud for +3 years.


Backend 🧊

Django Python Redis RabbitMQ Postgres MongoDB MySQL SQLite Celery Swagger curl Postman Selenium

Cloud 🔮

GitHub Actions GitLab CI CircleCI Vercel Heroku SemaphoreCI Azure DevOps Azure Pipelines Gunicorn pm2 Nginx Apache Linux Cent OS Debian Ubuntu Docker Kubernetes Vagrant Shell Script

Complementary Skills 🎈

I have learned these skills on my own as self-taught skills. Being a quick learner, these skills are vast in range, from front-end development to the experience of managing teams and projects and the experience of working with AI tools to create high-tech projects.

Front-end 🪩

JavaScript TypeScript jQuery HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap React Next JS Figma Material Design

Project & Team Management 🥸

Scrum Alliance Slack Trello Jira Azure

Intro Code 👨‍💻

me = 'Arman'

character = 'Optimizer and Problem Solver Geek, dreaming better life for all the people around the world'
top_skills = [
  'Django Backend Development',
  'Cloud Development'
complementary_skills = [
  'Project Management',
  'Front-end Development'
interests = [
  'Software Engineering',
  'Solving Problems',
work = 'Making `WebSties` and `Telegram Bots` alive as Django Backend Developer and Cloud Developer'
contact_me = {'Linkedin': '', 'Telegram': '', 'Email': '[email protected]'}

# generate intro
intro = (
    f'Hi, I’m `{me}`, an explorer one :) 👋\n'
    f'Characteristically an {character}\n'
    f'Experienced in `{"` , `".join(top_skills)}`\n'
    f'Having also professional experiences in `{"` , `".join(complementary_skills)}`\n'
    f'Currently working on {work}\n'
    f'Fascinated by `{"` , `".join(interests)}`\n'
    f'You can reach me by typing `armanexplorer` evereywhere\n'
for tool_name, tool_link in contact_me.items():
    intro += f'* [{tool_name}]({tool_link})\n'
intro += 'Always happy to hear from you ;)'


Output 🥤

0️⃣: Hi, I’m Arman, an explorer one :) 👋

1️⃣: Characteristically an Optimizer and Problem Solver Geek, dreaming better life for the people

2️⃣: Experienced in Django Backend Development , Cloud Development

3️⃣: Having also professional experiences in Project & Team Management and Front-end Development

4️⃣: Currently working on Developing and Maintaining WebSties and Telegram Bots as Django Backend Developer and Cloud Developer

5️⃣: Fascinated by Software Engineering, People , Solving Problems, Silence

6️⃣: You can reach me by typing armanexplorer evereywhere

7️⃣: Always happy to hear from you ;)

The End!

linkedin Telegram Telegram